Aircraft: Diamond Aircraft DA50 RG
Direction of travel: Eastbound
Distance: 58,000 kilometers
Our next flight:
Departure Date: January 2nd, 2022
Flight Time: 217 hours
Duration: 111 days
Airports: 73
Countries: 35
Crew: 2
Fly the Diamondo way
Diamondo Earthrounding visits numerous sustainable initiatives and technologies along our route around the world. Everyone can contribute in making flying more sustainable and with our trip we highlight the tools and tricks to do so on voluntary basis.

Business aviation customers
Jet Aviation's 'Book & Claim' enables business aviation owners and operators for whom SAF is not physically available for uplift to access SAF at will and thereby reduce their carbon footprint.
Through 'Book & Claim', unnecessary transportation costs of SAF can be avoided.

Our Mission
As our planet offers a variety of climate conditions, Diamondo Earthrounding illustrates that disparate locations favour different solutions to make aviation greener. With visits and reports from local initiatives, Diamondo Earthrounding aims to create further awareness for sustainable technologies and promote ways for investing into them voluntarily to accelerate aviation’s path to net-zero carbon emissions.
Diamondo Earthrounding operates on a non-profit basis and is made up of a team of 9 young aviation enthusiasts.
By supporting Diamondo Earthrounding, you help us in making sustainable air travel more affordable for you.
You can support us by becoming our Patron
*​If you wish to stay anonymus to others, you can leave the field "Enter your name for website & DA50 here" empty during the checkout process.
Patron Donations are processed via our project partner Live Your Dream Foundation. All data will only be used for the processing of Patron Donations and will not be passed on to third parties.

Thomas Hurter
Diamondo Earthrounding is in-line with the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation: CORSIA. Aviation's impact on climate change needs to be adressed globally – Diamondo Earthrounding demonstrates this.

Martin Bäumle
Swiss National Council
The ecological turnaround is possible - also within aviation - the technologies for it are available. It will not be a walk in the park, but if we implement it correctly, it offers a great opportunity for our economy and society. To do this, we have to implement the energy transition not only in Switzerland, but also on the basis of international cooperation.

Christoph Regli
ZHAW Programme Director, Aviation
Diamondo Earthrounding builds on initiatives essential for decarbonizing aviation. However, further investment into these technologies is required to achieve commercial viability. With their trip around the world, Diamondo Earthrounding shines the spotlight on sustainable projects.